Get started with Price Genius
Last edited: 2024/03/27
1. Set the share of the traffic for Price Genius
By default Price Genius manages 90% of the traffic. However, if you want to, you can change that.
2. Select ad units for Price Genius
Select which ad units shall be handled by Price Genius using toggles on / off.
To do that go to Inventory > Ad Units > Price Genius on / off toggle
3. Disable Optimized Google Optimized pricing on the account level
To achieve best results we recommend disabling “Optimized pricing” on account level since it may interfere with our Exploration process.
4. Wait for Yieldbird to set up Price Genius for you
Using Price Genius module requires Yieldbird to perform the setup that takes ~2 weeks. It includes doing changes in Google Ad Manager and gathering some data before the system can start. All of the below listed points are delivered by Yieldbird and do not require taking any actions on Publisher side:
- Verifying if your Inventory meets the technical requirements:
- Minimum 80 free Unified Pricing Rules
- Ad units where Price Genius is working must have at least 50k ad requests reaching Open Market daily*
- No mediations / multiple ad server setup.
- Viewability above 30%
- Not requiring to keep minimum floor at a certain level
- No irregular & unpredictable traffic peaks (e.g. due to buying traffic)
- Preparing your GAM
- Creating Unified Pricing Rules
- Launching Price Genius
Setup / ad manager:
Business requirements:
*ad requests reaching Open Market = Total code served count + unfilled impressions - Direct Impressions (Sponsorship, Standard and Preferred Deals)
Congrats! We are now starting Price Genius’ pricing optimization!