Creating Unified Pricing Rules
Last edited: 2024/03/27
After preparing key values, technical ad unit and placements we can proceed to creating UPRs.
1. Creating Price Genius UPRs in GAM (at least ~80)
First step is the creation of new pricing rules that are dedicated to Price Genius only. The minimum number of Price Genius pricing rules is 80, but if you have more free pricing rules in your GAM we usually create more in order to increase the accuracy. Price Genius rules are divided into two groups:
Exploration UPRs (koszyk)
These UPRs are targeted at key values yb_ab=a0,a1,…,a9, and their purpose is to allow to test how particular ad units react to price changes and provide the main data for modelling
These rules are named e.g. koszyk_samp_12.56_a8
Production UPRs (grid)
These UPRs are used for setting the prices predicted by Price Genius on the majority of the traffic.
These rules are named e.g. CO_grid_1.24
2. Retargeting all the Publisher’s UPRs to yb_ab<>a0,a1,…,a9
In order to avoid overlapping of Publisher’s rules with Price Genius exploration at this stage all existing UPRs created by the publisher get additional targeting:
3. Starting the Exploration process
Exploration is the core of Price Genius data gathering process for modelling. It comprises of 40-50 Unified Pricing Rules that are targeted at key values yb_ab = a0, a1, … , a9. You can learn mora about the Exploration process in the article How does Price Genius work?
This part is purely backend - we set up our database and a script that updates the Exploration setup and start gathering data.
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