Glossary of the terms used in the Yieldbird Platform
Name | KB: Public definition |
Ad unit path | The path of the ad unit from GAM that follows this format: /network-code/[parent-ad-unit-code/.../]ad-unit-code. Note that you should not include the root ad unit in the ad unit path; start with the network code. Learn more in the GPT documentation. |
Bid params | These are the parameters required by each bidder (also known as demand partners or ad networks) to make a bid request. These parameters can include various types of information that bidders need to evaluate the ad slot and submit a bid. The specific bid parameters required can vary significantly from one bidder to another, as each may have different criteria and requirements for the information they need. |
Build process | The process of creating a .js file that is served by Yieldbird Tag. |
Div id | This is an element of the page structure, a part of HTML that defines a specific element (such as an advertisement) on the page. While it is not visible by Google Ad Manager (GAM), the Yieldbird Platform users can analyze GAM data per ad unit using a key value |
Prebid server | An instance on a server responsible for running Server-to-Server Prebid auctions. This instance manages the auction process by handling bid requests and responses between different bidders. |
Viewport | The visible area of a webpage as seen on a user's screen. It is the portion of the page that is currently viewable without scrolling. The viewport size can vary based on the device and screen resolution, affecting how content is displayed. |
Workspace | The highest-level inventory or client part in the Yieldbird Platform. You can think of it similarly to a Google Ad Manager (GAM) account (network). If you own or manage multiple GAM accounts, you must have a separate Workspace in the Yieldbird Platform for each of them. |
Wrapper | The application that executes the Build process. It takes inputs such as Prebid timeout, share of benchmark per domain, and state of A/B testing, and translates them into a .js file that is served by Yieldbird Tag on your domain. |
Yieldbird Tag | This is the snippet of code that is pasted on the website(s) to use the Yieldbird Platform. It serves all products' configurations. There are two types of tags: Open Tag and Smart Tag. Learn more about the implementation. |