Yieldbird Platform implementation overview
Last edited: 2024/05/02
Regardless of which modules you choose to use, the Yieldbird Platform must first be implemented. It serves as the core of all technologies offered by Yieldbird, connecting with your Google Ad Manager and generating a JavaScript file that contains all necessary functions for Yieldbird technologies (e.g., key-value targeting, Prebid configuration, lazy loading, analytics endpoint, etc.).
After implementing the Yieldbird Platform, you can proceed to set up the modules you wish to use.
The crucial things to get started is to provide Yieldbird with access to your Google Ad Manager, and to implement Yieldbird tags. Once it is done, we can assist you with the entire process.
Implementation overview
Before you log in for the first time (one-off actions)
These are the actions that you must do before Yieldbird can create a workspace in the Platform for you. All these are done only once for every Google Ad Manager account that you want to use with Yieldbird Platform.
After you log in to the Platform:
These are the actions that you will be able to do after the Workspace is created by Yieldbird. You will have to do them every time you want to add a new Domain to the Workspace.
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