Price Genius performance dashboard
Last edited: 2023/07/20
Price Genius performance dashboard is a place where you can find all ongoing analyses of its performance on your inventory. The data is refreshed once a day at night.
List & explanation of the tabs in the report:
Uplifts: summary
Shows the summary of the uplift (in cash and % basis in a given time span). The data can be filtered by domains and ad units.
Uplifts: ad units
Shows summary of results per ad unit in a given timespan. The available metrics are:
- Uplift [%]
- Uplift revenue
- Baseline revenue (theoretical revenue that would have been generated when using Publisher’s rules)
- Total revenue
Simple charts that show rCPM and eCPM of PriceGenius and Benchmark samples on particular days. The data can be filtered by domains and ad units.
Results: monthly & Results daily
These are performance analysis per day or aggregated for a full month. The available metrics are:
- Uplift [%]
- Uplift revenue
- Baseline revenue (theoretical revenue that would have been generated when using Publisher’s rules)
- Total revenue
In order to browse the data by domains or ad units please click on the [+] button in the top left corner:
Price Genius vs Benchmark
The most detailed data available in our dashboard. It allows to do very detailed comparison of the performance of PriceGenius & Benchmark samples on domain and ad unit levels. The available metrics are:
- rCPM
- eCPM
- Revenue
- Ad requests
- Fill rate (coverage)
- Impressions
Each metric is calculated separately for Price Genius and for Benchmark samples.
Data source (on request)
Shows the list of Header Bidding GAM Orders that are counted as Open Market revenue for Price Genius’ purposes.
The purpose of this tab is to make it easier to double check the results reported in the dashboard by getting the Data directly from your GAM on your own.
Exporting dashboard contents
Contents of all tables can be exported as:
- .csv
- .csv optimized for Excel
- Google Sheets
To do so, please click on the three dots in the top right corner → Export:
Then select the desired format:
Data source
The data is based on Price Genius database - the same that is used for all the price modelling.
- Price Genius sample is all traffic that is handled by Price Genius (including both part of the traffic used for tests (Exploration) and part handled with optimal prices
- Benchmark is all remaining traffic (the one marked with key value yb_ab=C) within ad units where Price Genius is turned on.
Exemplary dashboard
See also: