Sending basic info necessary to start
Last edited: 2024/07/31
In order to prepare Yieldbird Platform, and modules you required to use for you, please provide the following information to your Customer Success Manager:
- List of Domains you want to implement first (please specify which Domain shall be implemented by Yieldbird)
- List of email addresses that shall have access to your Workspace in Yieldbird Platform
- The spreadsheet / .csv with the list of ad units, with the following dimensions:
- Domain
- Ad unit path - ad unit path from GAM following this format: /network-code/[parent-ad-unit-code/.../]ad-unit-code. Note that you should not add the root ad unit in the ad unit path; start it with the network code.
- Div ID - the ID of the <div> element you added to the <body> of the page that handles this Ad Unit.
- For Prebid Stack only (if you will not use it from day 1 you can skip this part):
- Sizes - ad unit sizes that you want to apply to Prebid and Amazon (if applicable); if you differentiate them depending on detected user’s viewport width please add this information
- Bid Params (applicable only when you want to use your Bidder Accounts) - parameters required for ad requests by a given bidder, such as the tag ID, site ID, or query string parameters.
- For Unfilled Recovery only (for the purposes of setting up MCM connection):
- Email address used to set up your GAM account
- Company name
More about ad unit paths in GPT documentation: link
Yieldbird will use this data to prepare your inventory in the Platform, so please provide all the requested info for all ad units that you want us to add to the Platform for you.
To make it easier we prepared an example of such file:
Yieldbird data request - inventory map example.xlsx18.4KB
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