How to grant access for a service account?
- Create new role for Yieldbird
- Go to Google Ad Manager > Access & authorization > Roles > New role
- Name: Yieldbird (you can name it differently, we just recommend this name for simplicity):
- Access level:
- For the setup of Prebid Stack, we require admin permissions. You can either grant these permission to the After the implementation process you can revoke the permissions. Alternatively, you can use your login token with admin permissions to perform the setup. Learn more
Set up Prebid Orders in your GAM
- If you have GAM Small Business, some of this may not be available. In such case, you can skip the required permission.
- All default permissions for Trafficker role
- Additional permissions to be added:
- Trafficking and delivery:
- Edit ad units, placements and key-values
- Create and edit ad exclusion rules
- View mobile apps
- Manage people
- no additional permission
- Reporting:
- no additional permission
- Permissions connected with ad units, placements, and key values - necessary for:
- creating a set of key values used by particular products
- creating one technical ad unit necessary to pre-prepare GAM Placements for Price Genius (more info)
- automation of Price Genius’ Unified Pricing Rules (UPR) management (each Price Genius' UPR is targeted at a dedicated placement, then if we want to use e.g. €1 floor on particular ad unit we add it to placement that is targeted with €1 UPR (more info)
- Ad exclusion rules - necessary for verification of the of demand providers that are not allowed on your inventory
- Access to Ad Exchange interface, view / modify pricing rules - required to access UPR
- View mobile ads - required to be able to service app inventory
- View companies & contacts - necessary to organize the data used by Price Genius' pricing models by Orders and Line Items (Price Genius uses that to divide revenue, impressions and ad requests between Open Market, Directs and Other ads.
- Reporting - necessary for gathering data for performance reporting, checking implementation correctness, potential troubleshooting and modeling Price Genius’ optimal prices
Mark that:
Google Ad Manager documentation on user roles & permissions (link)
What is the purpose of requesting particular permissions:
- Add service account user
- Go to Google Ad Manager > Global settings > Network settings > Add a service account user
- Email:
- Role: Yieldbird
- If you use TEAMS feature (available in GAM360 only), please enable to access “All entities”
More about teams:
Providing GAM access for Yieldbird when using GAM Teams
On this page: