Set a passback
Last edited: 2024/05/02
The recovery ad unit within Unfilled Recovery works exactly like any normal ad unit. This means that it's possible that, at some point, it will generate an unfilled request due to insufficient demand, a lengthy auction, or any other regular issue. We don't guarantee a 100% fill rate, nor do we expect it.
In case our product doesn't fill the ad slot, we can use passback tags. The Google Publisher Tag (GPT) library allows you to generate ad tags with "passback" functionality, which lets you pass the unfilled recovery ad slot back to your Google Ad Manager. From there, you can fill it with house ads, for example. These tags aren't specific to our product and can be used in any situation where an ad request to a third party isn't filled and will ultimately be filled by an ad trafficked in your own Google Ad Manager network.
This means that Unfilled Recovery gives you a second chance at monetization. If it fails, you can still show the house campaigns or remnant ads that you normally would in the case of an unfilled request.
How to set up a passback feature?
In order to create the passback, you need to contact your Customer Success manager. Our AdOps team will set up a specific campaign that will target your GAM.
What do we need in order to set up a passback?
- GAM passback ad unit (ad unit path)
- The sizes of the inventory that you want to passback, e.g. the sizes of your house ads.
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