What are versions?
Last edited: 2023/01/10
A version is representing the state of a wrapper configuration, on a domain level. They are created in order to A/B test 1 version against another.
Each version has
- A unique name starting by the version number E.g. v1_name where v1 is assigned automatically and is the version number assigned in increasing order and name is the given editable name
- An associated key value used to analyze a version performance
How to create and edit versions?
When editing your wrapper configuration, you are always working on a version. By default, the version v1_ of your domain.
Create a new version
To create a new version, go to Inventory > Domains > Versions and then <Add new>.
Then in the popup:
- Select the version which will serve as a basis (the selected version will be cloned, allowing you later to change any parameter you wish to A/B test). By default, you will have only 1 version, v1).
- Enter your version name (this is optional, by default, your version will only have the next number in line. E.g. v2)
- Click
Your new version will appear in your list of versions.
Edit a new version
In any place of your inventory: Domains / Pages / Ad units, when editing, you have an drop down menu at the top of your inventory showing the version under edition
By default, the version under edition is the version currently plugged. When a version is plugged, you can quickly see it with the plug icon (if the icon is not present, the version is not currently used).
How to change the version which is currently “plugged”?
When editing a domain in Inventory > Domains > Versions, you can see the versions you have and the one which is (are if there is an A/B test running) currently plugged:
- toggle the button ON for the version you want to plug (in the above case, v2_timeout test, and confirm with <Plug in> in the Popup
- Or toggle off the version currently ON and then choose the version you want to plug instead (you must have always 1 version ON)